Monday, November 22, 2010

Another Ponsi Writing

I promise I will actually write something of my own soon and quit hosting a blog for Isabelle but I had to post this before I head to Ohio tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Isabelle came home from school on Friday and told Gretchen her essay for Drug Free Week was one of ten from all of 2nd grade selected for a prize. She was most happy for the silly band she won but Gretchen and I were shocked at what she wrote. The second graders were asked to write on a "Real Life Hero". This is what Isabelle wrote (I left the spelling and grammar exactly as she wrote it):


My hero is my ant. She died when I was in 1st grade. She helped me learn. She helped her daughter learn. She put people in front of her. My mom and dad were very sad so was my sister. My cousin got a bild a bear with my ant talking. my mom and dad are still sad. She would always be there for me i mis her to. If she was hear everybody would be happy. she will always be by my side and that is way I miss her so much. I wish she was hear. She could teach me some more. She was a ture hero!


Phil said...

What a blessing that was. We sometimes forget that our children/grandchildren are hurting also. We can't wait to see our little Ponsi tomorrow!

Heidi said...

This is REALLY special Jamie! I love hearing Isabelle's heart... she understands so much. :)

Full of JOY said...

I read this to my Mom. We are both so touched.