Friday, November 12, 2010

My Little Ponsi

Last week we had parent-teacher conferences at the girls' school. I was pleased with the reports. They take after their mom when it comes to school. Now Ponsi (Isabelle) is quite the unique little girl. I love her for it. I never want her to change. At the conference Gretchen and I were privileged to get a glimpse inside of her thoughts with two of her writing projects. The first we found hanging just outside the classroom in the hallway. Here is what it looked like (disclaimer - cell phone pic):

This is what it said (I will write it exactly as it reads - misspelled words and grammatical mistakes included):

My favorite sports are basketball and swimming. My favorite team is the Bukies. I like them because my dad is from Ohio and we cheer for the Bukies!

The next peak into Isabelle's mind came when the teacher showed us her biography. Here is what she wrote (again...just as she wrote it):

My name is Isabelle Miller. I have brown eyes. I am funny. I have brown hair. I am small. I have two sisters named Tori and Macie. My dads name is Jame. My moms name is Grechen. My friends are Ramya and Emily. My other friend is Rachl. We like to talk. We like to draw. I like m and m's. I like ice cream. My favorite animal is a clown fish. I am in second grade. If I had 3 wishes I would wish for a car, a hundred Zuzu pets and a dog. I want to go to Disney World. My teacher is Mrs. Seaberg. I am a supper math star. I got my math test all right. I'm working on my math facts with my mom. My older sister is great reader. She is in 4th grade and a 5th grade level. My little sister is a littel fighter. she will get on the floor and kick you and kick you! My mom is right about journling. She can do it for a long time, I mean a long time she can do it for an hour. It is amazing how she can sit there for a long time. My dad works for Consumed Ministries and Normandale. We go to cook outs at our friends hose. Now you know about me and my family and my friends so we bye for now.

This morning I asked Isabelle if I could post these things. At first she was reluctant but I told her there were people that would love to see what she is doing in school. So thanks for reading. As I say often Isabelle is my "little Gretchen". I didn't know my beautiful wife when she was younger but I am privileged to get a little glimpse into some of what she may have been like by raising her daughter!


SecretlyaDreamer said...

How Adorable!! :)

Dan, Heather, and Bjorn said...

It's so sweet to read and see the words of Isabelle! Thanks for sharing, Jamie. :-)

blooming bride said...

oh... that is sooohhh adorable! nice blog here! got surprised to see a blog written by a dad...that's a rare thing! such a wonderful family, really blessed!

keep this up :)